The Pupp Villa
In 2008, the Karlovy Vary region sold the former Pupp Villa in the centre of the City of Karlovy Vary. An orphanage that had been housed in the villa was relocated to row houses on the outskirts of the Tašovice district. Circumstances surrounding the sale of the villa indicated that the buyer had been selected beforehand, and that the subsequent legally required procedure for sale of municipal or regional property had been only formally and somewhat inadequately fulfilled.
After employees of the TIC Legal Advisory Centre familiarized themselves with the circumstances surrounding sale of the Pupp Villa, they requested the regional authority to provide documents needed for legal evaluation of the issue on the basis of the act on free access to information. The subsequent analysis showed that some of the legally stipulated conditions had not been met during sale of the villa, and therefore TIC filed a motion to the state prosecutor on filing a lawsuit to annual the sale contract’s validity.
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