Statutes of limitations

Vydáno 07. 05. 2012

Since the beginning of 2009, TIC has been participating in an international project focused on comparative assessment of statutes of limitations for corruption-related offences. The research project aimed at discovering whether existent corruption-related statutes of limitations in the Czech Republic and other EU states constitute an obstacle for the effective enforcement of law and at identifying ways to overcome such obstacles. 

The resulting comprehensive report Timed out: Statutes of limitations and prosecuting corruption in EU countries is available for download at TI website TIC has also prepared a country report focused on effective enforcement of anti-corruption law, an overview of relevant legal provisions and time-related issues concerning the statutes of limitations and their application, an identification of weaknesses, and recommendations of suitable measures to overcome the identified problems.

The project was supported by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security) and TIC carried out the assessment in co-operation with TI Secretariat in Berlin and other TI chapters in eleven EU member states. 

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