Vydáno 26. 11. 2014

Corruption and misuse of public funds in the Czech Republic is a serious problem, according to the latest European Commission report 95% of Czech respondents consider it wide-spread.


The project seeks to improve this situation through the following activities: public debates, courses, Student Clubs, round tables and Best Practice Competition.

It motivates university students, volunteers and CSOs to fight actively and professionally against the misuse of public funds and corruption at the local level.

The primary target group are university students who want to understand corruption and public policy. The project increases interest in public matters (public debates) and through monitoring activities (round tables, Best Practice Competition) helps to reduce opportunities for corruption. With the acquired knowledge and skills (training, textbooks, and work of Students Clubs) activities will be case-specific and therefore more efficient.

Practical examples of successful interventions in the governance and in limiting corruption potentials (Best Practice Competition) are good tools to attract more people interested in civic participation.

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Supported from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway EEA grants. a


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