Poll: czechs consider most public officials corrupt

Vydáno 29. 04. 2013

Some three-quarters of Czechs are of the view that most or almost all public officials are entangled in corruption, according to a poll conducted by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) in March and released to CTK yesterday.

The polled are convinced that bribery is widely spread in society.

One-fifth of respondents (19 percent) think that less than a half of all officials are corrupt, while 4 percent of respondents consider corruption „rather exceptional.“ The rest of the polled are undecided.

Compared to a similar CVVM poll from last year, Czechs‘ view of the corruption expansion in the country has not much changed.

University graduates and highly qualified people, those with high living standards and right-wingers, mainly voters of the government TOP 09, are more often convinced that less than 50 percent of public officials are corrupt.

Left-wingers, primarily supporters of the Communists (KSCM), more often express the opinion that almost all officials are corrupt.

Czechs consider political parties and ministries followed by building offices the most corrupt institutions, the poll shows.

School institutions, banks and local authorities are assessed more positively in terms of corruption.

The poll was conducted on a sample of 1059 respondents over 15 years.

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