Hnanice u Znojma

Vydáno 22. 05. 2012

In 2007 the mayor of the municipality of Hnanice signed a contract on sale of property without the municipal council’s consent. Possibly irregular relations between the town leadership and the new owner led TIC to recommend to the local relevant state prosecutor that it file a suit to annul the contract’s validity.

The district state prosecutor in Znojmo and subsequently the regional state prosecutor in Brno stated that they found no public interest justifying the filing of a suit to annual the validity of the contract concluded between the municipality of Hnanice and the new property owner. In response, TIC requested the supreme state prosecutor to examine the district state prosecutor’s handling of the issue. The supreme state prosecutor deemed TIC’s motion as justified.

Based on the supreme state prosecutor’s findings, the district state prosecutor in Znojmo filed a motion to annual the contract’s validity on 14 December, 2010. In spring 2011, however, the municipality of Hnanice concluded a consensual decision stating that the buyer had not acquired ownership rights, rendering the municipality of Hnanice the owner once again, and the filing of the motion thus became pointless.

But the municipality of Hnanice again demonstrated its intention to sell the properties and following initial discrepancies, the second sale went through in compliance with the law and there was no further need for TIC involvement. The municipal council approved both the intent to sell and the actual sale itself. The only potential buyer was the original party, meaning that there was no question of the town leadership trying to show favour to any single party.

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