Corruption Report

Vydáno 07. 05. 2012

This project is focused on systemic monitoring of corruption, anti-corruption activities and corruption-related research studies in the Czech Republic. Individual aspects of corruption (individual cases and anti-corruption tools) attract much attention. However, under heavy media coverage of attractive cases it is difficult to get more comprehensive picture as there is no real effort to put the pieces together and prepare some overall summary of the situation. As the result, majority of the Czech population sees corruption from the perspective of simplified media reports.

In a situation where we have at our disposal no fundamental corruption-related studies (for example, funded and ordered by the state authorities) and there is no systemic monitoring of corruption, we have no knowledge of prevailing types of corruption-related offences or of their extent. Instead of hard data, we get political rhetoric. The aim of the project therefore is to create, based on systemic monitoring, a more comprehensive perspective of the state of corruption in the Czech Republic, describing its types and extent and suggesting appropriate countermeasures. The resulting Corruption Report will be used by TIC in its media presentations and educational activities, and it will also help provide the public with more accurate information concerning the corruption in the Czech Republic (through publication of the entire report or some selected parts of it). 

During 2010, an ongoing monitoring of corruption cases was carried out, and information were gathered in two main areas: available statistical data on corruption-related criminal offences (data collected by the police and by the public prosecution service), and surveys mapping the extent of corruption and the opinions of Czech citizens concerning corruption. TIC has established co-operation with the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Studies in Brno, which will help with collecting and processing the data.

The existing outcomes have been already used in the educational activities of TIC. The most significant presentation using the outcomes was held on 11 November 2010 in Kroměříž at the seminar “Fight against Corruption” for public prosecutors and judges. The project outcomes were also presented at the press conferences in October 2010 and January 2011. 

The project will continue in 2011 and the final Corruption Report should be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2011.

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